Can we use Bitlocker as an encryption tool for a
restricted information system (SIDR)?
No, this encryption software has not been validated by ANSSI. For
reminder: interministerial instruction n901 on the protection of information systems
indicates that, when available, security products or services
(approved, qualified or certified) by ANSSI must be used.
All “labelled” products correspond to products covered by the safety visa.
ANSSI. In other words, these products, which are listed on the agency’s website, follow the
security target presented by the supplier and validated by the CESTI of the ANSSI. This
product is therefore certified by ANSSI, which issues an attestation of the robustness of a
A commonly used solution to protect a workstation is “Cryhod”.
developed by PRIM’X TECHNOLOGIES. Cryhod, installed on PC-type equipment,
is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of information stored on one or more
hard disks, as well as perform user authentication before booting
the equipment on which it is installed. The certified version is “Cryhod, Version 3.0 build
570 “. This product is certified to Common Criteria level EAL3+.
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