Activités d’audit pour évaluer le respect des règles de confiance numérique

Certi-Trust concrétise sa volonté d’être un acteur majeur dans le domaine de la certification de programmes à vocation technologique en devenant le premier organisme de certification à obtenir l’accréditation via l’OLAS (Office Luxembourgeois d’Accréditation et de Surveillance) ISO/IEC 17021-1 et ISO/IEC 27006. Cette reconnaissance nationale permet à Certi-Trust de réaliser des audits de certification sous accréditation sur base des critères définis dans la loi du 25 juillet 2015 et dans la règle technique d’exigences et de mesures pour la certification des PSDC (Prestataires de Services de Dématérialisation ou de Conservation) ainsi que dans la norme ISO/IEC 27001.

Certi-Trust is accredited by COFRAC in France according to the scope of accreditation indicated in the certificate below, to certify digital trust service providers (PSCo) in Europe according to the eIDAS regulation (Regulation 910/2014), the standard ETSI EN 319 403 v2.2.2 (PSCE electronic certification service, PSHE electronic timestamping services) and the ILNAS/PSCQ/Pr001 standard “Supervision of Qualified Trust Service Providers QTSPs”, version 4.5 (qualified PSCos in Luxembourg).

The “eIDAS” Regulation n°910/2014 of July 23, 2014 aims to increase confidence in electronic transactions within the internal market. It establishes a common basis for secure electronic interactions between citizens, businesses and public authorities. It therefore mainly concerns public sector bodies and trust service providers established in the territory of the European Union. It establishes a European framework for electronic identification and trust services, in order to facilitate the emergence of the digital single market.

The following policies and procedures apply, depending on the program required, as part of our audit activities related to digital trust:

To check any issued certificate validity, please go on our certificate request form page.