Password strength

Password robustness What is the length at which a password is currently considered “strong” by ANSSI? ANSSI’s recommendations on passwords date back to 2013, and no longer seem to match the criteria of the password complexity calculator available on the agency’s website. A good password is above all difficult to discover, even with automated tools.…

Requirements for Secure Administration and Maintenance Service Providers (PAMS)

René Saint Germain is Technical Director of Certi-Trust France’s assessment center programs. A graduate of HEC Montréal, he has been an entrepreneur and expert in information security and standardization for over 22 years. He has founded several companies active in the information security standardization sector. He is also an active member and editor of various…

Certi-Trust referencing for the Certification and Labelling product by the PME LOGIS program

Following a strategy of growth and internationalization on a global scale, Certi-Trust, a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) offering certification services for people, management systems, inspection, assessment and product certification, continues to multiply its achievements and accomplishments. It gives us great pleasure to share with you our referral for the Certification and Labeling product by the…

Distance learning is great!

Why distance learning in training is good… ?!? Because it’s flexible ⏱ Because it’s user-friendly 👫 Because it’s interactive 🔄 It’s also because it’s done by people who know what they’re doing and how to do it well. Dare to use Digital Learning in Augmented Digital Pedagogy to : 🔑 Certify your skills Cyber 🗓…

Security approval for Certi-Trust France as a PASSI assessment center

As a COFRAC-accredited assessment center (see list of scopes available at, Certi-Trust France has held a security visa fromANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) for the past year, and is currently in the process of being accredited byPASSI(Agence pour l’évaluation de la conformité des prestataires d’audit de la sécurité des systèmes…

Examens oraux PASSI

En règle générale, un examen oral a pour principal objectif de valider la compréhension d’un candidat face à une problématique complexe, sa capacité d’analyse et de proposition de solutions. C’est aussi la meilleure méthode pour évaluer les compétences comportementales, telles que la capacité de communication et de vulgarisation d’un candidat.Dans le cadre des sessions orales…

Certi-Trust est habilité par l’AMSN sur le programme PASSI

📣 Notre programme de qualification de PASSI est officiellement reconnu à Monaco : Après l’obtention de notre habilitation en France par l’ANSSI, nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer officiellement la reconnaissance officielle de notre habilitation PASSI dans la Principauté de Monaco.Certi-Trust est maintenant habilité par l’Agence Monégasque de Sécurité Numérique (AMSN) pour l’évaluation de la conformité…